This afternoon my sons and I went for a hike on the property I have lived on for the majority of that last 20+ years. My family has owned the property for 30+ years, so I foolishly took for granted that I “knew” the property.
I do know each corner and the boundary lines, but the interior of the parcel holds many secrets that choose to reveal themselves when the time is right … or maybe it’s when I am ready…
As we walked up along the creek, as I have done hundreds of times, my son pointed out a stonewall that likely served as the foundation of a bridge at one time. We live in an area where stonewalls served as boundaries, but this is not a logical place for a boundary and is actually perpendicular to our property line…
Why did I never notice this fragment of foundation before? Apparently I wasn’t looking through the proper lens. My son has no expectations, nor does he foolishly believe he knows the property… he is always looking for new discoveries and elements he hasn’t noticed before. I had become blind to the things I didn’t “know”… silly me! What else have I been missing?
LOTS! I too am guilty of moving forward without intention or true awareness. Life is busy – sure – kids, work, groceries, dinner – it’s super easy to loose perspective and get swallowed up in the chaos. But how could this be the divine life we are meant for?!?
Simple… It’s not.
Don’t surrender to survival… LIVE YOUR DIVINITY!
Over the next few days, I will be sharing fun approaches to integrate into everyday life to achieve your DIVINITY!