Our energetic foundation is the core of how we do everything and Darlene guides us through her energetic practices to create a solid and impenetrable channel of listening to her intuition. We also chat about how bringing play and animals into the healing process make it fun, not the drudgery we fear it will be.
Darlene Sochin is an expert in physical, spiritual, and energetic self-care and creating daily inner peace practices specifically for caregivers, therapists, and healers. Commitment to yourself as a Lightworker is not just courageous, it’s imperative.
After being diagnosed with cancer in 2005, Darlene her visit conscious angelic visitation from 3 Archangels who came to console and assure her that she was going to be ok and to follow her intuition whenever she had a strong nudge to listen closely. The next day she was guided to a bookstore and found a bookshelf of Reiki books. She sat down that afternoon and read them all. In that moment, Darlene’s life changed forever as her purpose was unveiled and connection to Spirit became an everyday occurrence. Now Darlene not only offers Japanese Reiki training for deep soul diving. She is also an energy detective and sees your God-Self and Quantum Field where your infinite possibilities wait for your remembrance and approval.
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