Children often have strong spontaneous connections with spirit and embody natural gifts that so many adults spend countless hours and tons of money trying to regain. I am the lucky mom to one of the kids who has embraced this gift and thinks it is totally normal to talk to dead people. My son was very verbal from a young age and spoke directly to spirit before he was 2.
One evening I was coming in late with a toddler on one hip and a slightly bigger toddler holding my hand. We had just come in from the garage and my younger son clung to me screaming that I was his Mommy and to tell that little girl she couldn’t have me. I asked my older son if he was aware of what his brother was talking about and he shook his head blankly… I knew, but never guessed my kids saw her.
It was Amy – a young girl energy that was around me for as long as I could remember. I chatted and played with her as a child, I could feel her presence when I was quiet. She was with me through college and law school – and one failed marriage… Amy was familiar and comfortable – but probably not healthy if she was affecting my son this way.
So I tried to calm him, but realized that I needed to have a really strong understanding of my own connection before I could help him to harness his. So started my intentional journey down this path.
Since then he has grown into a young man who still accepts and embraces is amazing connection. He is led by spirit and enjoys strong messages. He has doubts, but together we have overcome these… One night he woke me up around 345am. He couldn’t wait for me to see the hawk outside his bedroom. He said it woke him and called him. It then wrapped its wings around him and he felt completely comfortable and at ease. He wanted me to share this with him… much to his disappointment, the hawk was gone when we got to his room. He was very upset thought that I might not believe him. Of course, that wasn’t the case, but he was thrilled to go to the barn the next morning (it was February so all the barn doors were closed). In every feed trough, there was one hawk feather.
My son has a connection that so many children have, but repress when parents tell them to be realistic, or that they are imagining something. My son chose me because we have a journey to share and his connection is one facet of this amazing journey… he just got done smudging his rock and stone collection… he said his brother was too close to them and he didn’t want brother energy on them… LOL!
Foster the gift and let our children grow their connections!