
Intuition is Your Superpower!  It’s Time to Embrace It!
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Intuition is Your Superpower!  It’s Time to Embrace It!
CLICK HERE to claim your FREE ‘Access Your Intuition through Mindfulness Gift Set’ today!

Trapped emotions can wreak havoc on our bodies, nervous systems, mental and physical health. Amelia shares the process of how she works with clients to learn a repeatable process to release the energies, emotions and attachments that are no longer of service. She also shares her insights around entity and energies that are stealing our energy and zen!

Amelia helps brave souls create peace and prosperity by uncovering their underlying things that cause the misalignment so that they can access the prosperity that is available to them. She works with a technique called Quantum Krystic Fieldwork, which incorporates kinesiology. With muscle testing she finds energies that are ready to be released, in order of priority, for the highest good.

We can work with any intention. It’s very effective for nervous system regulation, trauma healing, improving health, mental health, career, spiritual connection, and so much more. She also mentors on Emotional Mastery, supporting people to properly process, feel and transmute their emotions, and connect with them in a way that opens their heart to the essence of life. She teaches how to self-regulate during difficult and painful emotions and on the importance of releasing the trapped emotions for increased nervous system regulation and capacity.

Connect with Amelia:

Free Nervous System Support / Emotional Release Quantum Fieldwork session + Emotional Mastery Mentoring