
Intuition is Your Superpower!  It’s Time to Embrace It!
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Intuition is Your Superpower!  It’s Time to Embrace It!
CLICK HERE to claim your FREE ‘Access Your Intuition through Mindfulness Gift Set’ today!

Now that you have gained access to the records,
as we discussed in Part 1 of the Akashic Records posting – what now?

meadow with colorful wild flowers

You can only access your record, or that of someone who has granted you permission to access theirs. The permission lasts only for the time of the reading – you cannot access the records of other people later because you once did a reading for them. The records contain very private information that can be very sensitive in nature.

When you have arrived at the record make sure you identify that you have located the correct record. I generally confirm by asking if I have confused the intended record with that of any other soul living or passed.

Then I am free to ask any questions that address the purpose of my visit. I can ask about past lives, but I really like to focus on the themes and experiences that keep recurring in the lives of the record I am reading.

I have always been fascinated by the healing qualities of plans. My childhood friend Rebecca and I used to paw through the weeds to see what we could find and had piles of books to help us learn how to use them  – of course long before the internet we frequented  the reference section of the library!

One trip into my record, I discovered that I was a Native American medicine woman. As I learned more about this past life I learned why certain things resounded so loudly in my present life. When a client comes to me with no idea what path they should be on the Akashic Records are a great place to start where we can explore and learn what we already know.