My Meditation Experience – This was the first time Samuel made himself visible to me. I had an English professor who was a spiritual hippy and we practiced meditation in his class. It was not couched as a meet your guide session, but that how it turned out to me. I was greeted by this old man in Indian clothes, but he was clearly a white man… he didn’t talk. I was very comfortable with him, but I did not consciously know him. It took years for me to realize that he was Samuel, my protector guide and someone from a past life.
Past-Life Regression – I had a past life regression done with a friend who is an Evidential Medium. She took me on an incredible journey to a lifetime that I was an Indian girl living in the northern plains of the US. I was the healer in the tribe, despite being very young. The young warriors had been out on a hunt and found a wounded white boy. They brought him to me, knowing that if anyone could save him, I was the only one. I was able to nurse him back to health and we became inseparable. We spent the next two decades together trying to blend our two worlds into one of happiness. I could not assimilate my traditional healing with the illness of the white man and I died from an infection that had never been seen in my tribe before.
Bear Butte – Bear Butte is a geological formation located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It was formed by a volcano that never fully erupted. It grew to create a cone shaped rock formation and as the surrounding soil eroded, the mountain or butte was revealed. The butte is a source of intense spiritual connection. For many centuries – perhaps millenia – the butte has been the location that medicine people have been attuned and have participated in vision quests. In my lifetime as an Indian healer, I, too, received my rites and attunement here.
When I stepped on the ground near the base of the butte, where the visitor center parking was, I was overcome with dizziness. At first I thought it was the difference in elevation… but the visitor center is no where near the peak and the peak is only about 4,400 feet. As I walked, I could feel the vibration pulsing from the ground through my feet. It was pulling me. It was calling me. I knew that I was strongly connected here. I have never had such an overwhelming sense of belonging in a physical location. I sat in meditative contemplation and just observed the trees and rocks and the beauty.
As I took in the rugged peak of the butte, I saw the medicine man.
He looks over his lands and his people. Echoing the words of Crazy Horse… my lands are where my people are buried…. Many travel to Bear Butte in pilgrimage to feel spirit emanating from this sacred vista. You can see the evidence of the prayer requests and dedications that remain from visitors in the form of prayer clothes tied to branches and limbs of various trees.
This journey further solidified the information and experience that I first had a sneak peak of in the Akashic Records!