What is Your Biggest Block
We all beat ourselves up when we can’t reach the goals we set… those self defeating voices rear up… You’re too lazy, you aren’t smart enough, you just are not built to succeed… well, you are entirely WRONG! None of those things are true, unless you permit them to be. When your self image says those things enough, your reality starts to conform.
The blocks to reaching your goals are seeded in your sub-conscious and are often difficult to articulate. This is what I struggled with. I had a sense about my insecurity and how that was related to my many challenges I faced – living in lack, never enough money, jealousy, lashing out at those I loved most. But I was not able to articulate exactly what my issue was or where it came from.
I started doing the mindset work that I mentioned above and ran full speed into a brick wall. It was time for me to identify and clear the blocks that kept me playing small.
The Journey to my Blocks
You inherit your money story from generations of experience. Mine starts in this lifetime with a grandmother who would drive 12 miles out of her way to save $.10 on a loaf of bread… Hmmm…. time value and opportunity costs alone suggest this may not be the most feasible approach. Then there was Dad (who certainly came from a hot mess of family issues) who associated love and worth with material things and NEVER hesitated to spend anything he wanted, impulsively; whether he had the money or not. So where does this leave the most message for the kid watching all this unravel… there is never enough. It reinforces the lack cycle that dominated my adolescent and adult life. When I had my own children, if they wanted something I did not have the money for, it made me physically sick to have to tell them that we can’t afford that. Even now, after working on this block, extensively, I have a hard time with those words. [Really – I don’t want them to have to rewrite their money story as I have had to.]