
Intuition is Your Superpower!  It’s Time to Embrace It!
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Intuition is Your Superpower!  It’s Time to Embrace It!
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Have I talked to you guys about being a victim? And how so many of us get wrapped up in that victim mentality?

I would deem it to be pervasive in our culture. Everyone is blaming someone else: my parents screwed me up, or a coach, or a teacher, or my ex-husband, or anyone, my boss. None of us take accountability. I shouldn’t say none of us, but very few of us take accountability.

Entitlement, that’s another one of my soap boxes, but maybe that should be a separate conversation.

I found myself falling into victim mentality over the weekend. Five or 10 years ago, I would have just ridden that wave of drama and been pissed off and mad at everyone. But I took this opportunity to spend a little time looking at myself.

Why was I triggered by this?

Why did it matter?

Why did I give a shit?

Why was I giving away my power to a situation that I have no control over in the present moment? And to people that don’t mean a fucking thing to me.

Why am I surrendering my power? And my position? And my peace? For all of this?

None of it is worth it.

When you give in to a situation where you’re claiming to be a victim, you are giving away a choice. All of us have a choice and sometimes it’s not a reasonable choice. Like the candle behind me, I have a choice to blow that out when I leave or leave it burn. If I leave it burn, it could have some negative unintended consequences. Maybe it would be intended if I intentionally left that candle burning.

There is always a choice, it’s either do or don’t. There is no try, “Oh, I’ll try,” is the biggest scape goat statement I have ever heard, especially out of my kid’s mouths. “Guys, can you pick up your rooms?” “Oh, we’ll try,” Bullshit. You’re either going to do it or you’re going to go down into your bedroom and you’re gonna play on your phone, or watch YouTube, or something else. You’re either gonna do it or you don’t.

I find that when people are of the “Oh, I’ll try” mentality, they’re total victims. They’re looking for someone else to blame. I am so tired of this. So, when I find clients who experience this mentality, it’s pretty cool actually to go into their Akashic records and find out where that victim mentality came from.

Sometimes it’s too traumatic for my client to really hear the details, so I am blessed with the opportunity to offer them a healing. But if I do a healing in the Akashic records and they make no changes in their three-dimensional life, it was a waste of all of our time. I get to see some cool stuff, and get some cool information, and chat with somebody, but it’s necessary that you make choices that align with whatever healing, or change in belief status that you’re looking for.

You can’t just expect someone else to initiate the process and you don’t do the work. That’s not how it is. So if you feel like you are falling into that victim mentality, and you’re giving away your power to situations and people that should be powerless over you, give a little thought to where that’s coming from. Maybe a healing or at least some cultivation to see what that feeling is and where that belief is coming from is in order for you. Check it out.

Peace and badass magic to all of you.

And I will blow the candle out, I promise.

 Love & Light,